
Wow, this caronavirus is really effecting everything. We have cancelled going to a performance we had planned for this weekend. March Madness is without fans. NBA cancelled. Conferences, concerts, even Disney is effected. When something this bad happens, priorities change. If you are walking out of your door and you can’t find your keys, everything changes. You cannot do anything until you find your keys. Your priorities have changed.

Let’s look at our Christian priorities. We are to worship and witness. That’s pretty much it. We do pretty well at worshiping. In fact, many Christians are in church whenever the doors open. This is excellent. In looking at most church witnessing programs, they are relegated the visitation of those people that had visited the week before. Where is the true evangelism? Why are most baptistries dry? Crisis’ create a change in priorities. The caronavirus has made major changes to everyone’s behavior. We wash our hands more, use hand sanitizer, watch our contacting others. When we were at Disney World in January, we actually kept our eye out for any Asian families.

Knowing that Jesus is returning and that people who are lost will spend an eternity in hell, should change our behaviors. Evangelism should become a priority. Otherwise, it seems that we really don’t believe in heaven or worse, don’t care about anyone else. I know it’s harsh, but we need to realize it is our responsibility to share the Gospel message. “How will they hear without a preacher?”